geoinformation system, geographic data, map, spatial geodata, tasks and business processes of agriculture, system interfaceAbstract
Nowadays, information systems are used in many areas of the economy, science, education, and in our everyday life. A special place is occupied by geoinformation information systems, among the tasks of which, in particular, there are tasks related to the processing of geographic data (including spatial data). Modern geoinformation systems are widely used in various fields, in particular, in geology (for the research of natural resources, geological formations and climate changes), agriculture (for land management, crop forecasting, optimization of agricultural business processes), urban management (for development planning and the functioning of cities, ensuring the functioning of the city's transport system, etc.), logistics (for solving routing problems, optimizing the delivery of goods, organizing optimal passenger and cargo flows), medicine (for tracking the spread of epidemics and pandemics, helping to identify centers of natural disasters, etc.).
The purpose of the work is the analysis and research of problems related to the development of software for the appropriate geoinformation system in agriculture to optimize the processes of land resource management, yield growth and increase the industry's resilience to internal and external factors. The purpose and objectives of the article are aimed at promoting innovative approaches and technologies that can support the sustainable development of agriculture and ensure a high level of productivity and product quality.
The use of the developed author's geoinformation system supports, in particular, such functions as spatial context (viewing data in the context of their location on the map), visualization of data on the map makes information more understandable and accessible to a wide range of users, forecasting of various phenomena (for example, climate change, floods, yield), resource planning (for example, with the help of a penetrometer, you can receive data on the density and quality of the soil in real time). Geographic information systems remain an indispensable tool that helps solve problems and make informed decisions taking into account the geographic context.