web application, digitalization, logistics, logistics transportation, logistics services marketAbstract
Today, an important aspect of logistics transportation is the digitalization of methods for ordering trucking, delivering and tracking cargo, and choosing the optimal transportation route. Since the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, most businesses have suffered losses in transportation due to the destruction or destruction of their own rolling stock. The introduction of digital (information) technologies makes a great contribution to the restoration and acceleration of logistics transportation, maintains a healthy level of competition between companies and improves the country's economic situation in times of war.
The purpose of the article is to analyze and study the problems in the field of web application software development (as an element of digitalization in the logistics transportation market) and to use the application to optimize business processes of logistics transportation in the context of war and closed borders.
The research methods are an integrated approach of web application development and implementation methodologies and logistics transportation. These methods include: analysis of expert sources, which involves the study of scientific papers on the digitalization of logistics transportation in crisis situations, in particular in military conflicts, as well as surveys of logistics and information technology experts; comparative and statistical analysis to identify the best digital solutions in web application development and to test the effectiveness of digitalization in logistics transportation; modeling and experimental studies of web applications.
The novelty of the study is the study of existing services for ordering logistics transportation of goods and the use of the most suitable aspects of the sites for the development and implementation of their own software product to optimize logistics transportation in times of war and closed borders. Based on a comprehensive analysis of problems and challenges, this web application will provide the desired and shortest route to the destination, which will restore the logistics transportation chains of customer companies, improve business processes, and maintain competitiveness in the Ukrainian market.
The conclusion of the study is to highlight the impact of digitalization on the international transportation market in the context of the war in Ukraine. The study examined a large number of scientific papers on road transport logistics, digitalization of logistics systems, and web application development, which allowed us to conduct a fundamental study and highlight the special importance of digitalization of logistics processes in the difficult economic conditions, closed borders, and full-scale war in Ukraine. The main results of the study show that the introduction of digital technologies in logistics processes helps to optimize routes, increase efficiency and reduce transportation costs. The web application, developed on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of logistics problems and challenges during the war, provides the ability to quickly find the shortest and least risky route, which is critical in a crisis. The considered web application “Rapid Transportation Abroad” has comprehensive and necessary functionality to improve the competitiveness of logistics companies in the Ukrainian market, will help restore logistics transportation chains and maintain the country's economic stability.