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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Figures to the manuscript are additionally sent as files in the original version.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

    1. The article must correspond to the thematic direction of the Journal. The minimum length of the article is 7 pages. The authors are responsible for the materials listed in the article. The editors may not share the positions of the authors of the publication and reserve the right to shorten, edit and correct the article (while maintaining the main conclusions and style of the author).
    The following are submitted to the editorial board of the Journal:
    • questionnaire of the author (co-authors).
    • electronic version of the article sent to the email address:

    2. The material of the article should be stated briefly, consistently, stylistically correctly. The volume of the article should be at least 4 pages. Exceptions are allowed only by decision of the editorial board of the Collection. The last page of the article should be filled with at least half of the text. Terms and designations must comply with applicable standards. Repetitions are not allowed, as well as unnecessary details when translating previously published information. Units of measurement should be submitted according to the international system of units SI or in units approved for use in Ukraine, in accordance with the requirements of current state standards.

    3. Only scientific articles with the following necessary elements are accepted for publication in the scientific journal IT Synergy of the higher education institution Academician Y.Bugay International Scientific and Technical University (hereinafter referred to as the Journal)
    3.1. UDC
    3.2. Information about the author in two languages (Ukrainian, English). The surname and name, academic degree, academic title, position and name of the higher educational institution where the author works; ORCID ID are indicated.
    3.3. Abstract and keywords in two languages (Ukrainian, English). The abstract must meet the following requirements:
    - informativeness (without general words); originality; richness (represent the main content of the article and research results); structuring (rubricating is possible as in an article but without specifying structural elements: subject, topic, purpose, method or methodology, results, scope of results application, conclusions); volume of 150-250 words.
    Abstract in English is at least 1,800 characters with spaces;
    - unnecessary introductory phrases (for example, the author of the article considers) should be avoided. Historical references, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, a description of previously published works and well-known provisions are not given in the abstract.
    If the article is submitted for publication in English, then an extended abstract in Ukrainian of at least 1800 characters with spaces is attached to it.
    3.4. Statement of the problem in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical problems;
    3.5. Analysis of recent studies and publications that provide a solution to this problem and on which the author relies, highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
    3.6. Formulation of the purposes of the article (purpose)
    3.7. Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results;
    3.8. Conclusions and suggestions for this study and prospects for further research in this area.
    3.9. Literature designed in accordance with the rules of bibliographic description. If there is a DOI in the sources, it must be indicated.
    REFERENCES is provided next.
    Articles in Ukrainian and English are accepted for publication.

    4. Materials are prepared using Microsoft Word computer text editors; built-in formula editors are used to set formulas. The font must be Times New Roman.
    The Collection page settings are set as follows:
    • top and bottom margins 20 mm;
    • right margin 20 mm
    • left margin 20 mm.
    In the Page Setup section, select the Paper Source tab, set Edge to Header 2 cm; Edge to footer 2 cm.
    Header and footer, as well as page numbers, do not enter. The indent of the first line of a paragraph is 5 mm, the spacing between lines is single.

    5. Materials are typed in the following fonts:
    • UDC 12 font, italics;
    • authors: 12 font, semi-bold italics; authors' surnames all capital letters;
    • abstract in Ukrainian: 11 font, bold italics;
    • keywords:11 font, italics;
    • abstract in English:11 font, bold italics;
    • keywords in English: 11 font, italics;
    • main text: 12 font, ordinary;
    • copyright sign (© Ivanenko I.I., 2021): 12 font, bold italics, the copyright sign is placed on the last page of the article);
    • names of sources in the list of references:11 points, ordinary.
    • after the list of references in Ukrainian (and original languages) the same list must be given, but in Latin transcription. In addition to transcription, square brackets indicate the translation of the title of the work into English.

    6. Quotations, tables, statistical data, numerical indicators that increase the level of validity of analytical materials are given with reference to sources. The authors are responsible for the figures.

    7. All figures and tables must have names and numbers (in the case when one material contains two or more named elements), for example, “Fig. 1. Calculation scheme…” or “Table 1. Indicators…”
    The words Fig., Table and their names are in bold, 12 font, the names and numbers of the tables are placed above the tables, and the figures are placed below them in the center. If the table does not fit on one page, all its columns are numbered, and above the transferred part of the table on the right indicate: Continuation of the table, End of the table with table number.

    8. Formulas are placed on the page in the center. The formula number is placed on the right at the end of the line, in parentheses, without leaving the field. Between them and the text there is an interval of one line. Letters and designations of quantities (symbols) are in italics.

    9. The bibliographic description of literary (information) sources is compiled according to the standard “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for compilation” (DSTU 8302:2015).

    Articles that do not meet the requirements will not be considered or published.


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